Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Sophia 2 Year Old Memories

You are absolutely adorable.
You are super smart.   Nate asked me if we can sign you up for Guinness book of world records for being the smartest kid ever.  
Kayla says she just loves watching you grow up and learn.   
You can count to 3.  And go to 10 by repeating me.
You can do puzzles.  
You are learning your colors.   You hold up things up and repeat the color I say.   But for now everything seems to be BLUE.  
You have been walking up stairs and dining out of big girl cups since you were 1. 
You passed the DR 2 year old questioner with flying colors and scored 100 in all areas.  
You can identify all parts of the body.  Even shoulder and elbow.
When you cough you cough in your elbow.
You love hanging out with the big kids.  Kayla, Nate, and all their friends.  
Nate = Nate
Kayla = Ba
Julia = Ju Ju
Laura = Ru
Tyler = Ty Ty
You are very social too.   At the mall playground you found s friend grabbed her hand and walked around and played the entire time together.   It was adorable.   
Today in the car she said "Ty Ty help me"
She just recently is using 3 word sentences.
You love playing with hats, shoes, jewelry, and make up.   All of which is hats and things Kayla and Nate leave around the house.   Kayla gave you her old Jewelry box and filed it with Necklaces you can play with.  You also love waking around with your back pack.  
When ever you or anyone passes gas you day "EWE!!!!"
You love the TV show Caillou and the doll you carry around every where.
You also like sponge Bob with Nate
Today you picked up a whistle and blew into it and made the hand signals that a traffic person makes.   I think you learned that from watching PAW PATROL with Nate.
You love to pray before dinner.   You always repeat what I say and day AMEN real cute and in sign language.  
You love Jon you always say in the cutest high pitched voice "high non non."
You love helping him walk by holding his hands.
You are my big "helper" 
You help me cracked eggs, windex the table, throw trash away, put dishes in sink.   Stir the food on the stove, even help me change Jon's diapers.   Well try. 
When you make a mess or spill something you ask "wipie please" or you just go grab a towel from the kitchen drawer and clean it your self. 

Your favorite books: 
No David
Belt button book
Yummy yucky
Pickle things
My good morning book
My good night book
Your favorite part of snow is eating it.   When you say snow it sounds like "no"