Thursday, August 30, 2007

Pray More

Charles Spurgeon wrote: "Whether we like it or not, asking is the rule of the kingdom. Ask, and ye shall receive. It is a rule that never will be altered in anybody's case. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the elder brother of the family, but God has not relaxed the rule for Him."

"If the Royal and Divine Son of God cannot be exempted from the rule of asking that he may have, you and I cannot expect the rule to be relaxed in our favor. Why should it be? What reason can be pleaded why we should be exempted from prayer? What argument can there be why we should be deprived of the privilege and delivered from the necessity of supplication? I can see none: can you?"

"If you may have everything by asking, and nothing without asking, I beg you to see how absolutely vital prayer is, and I beseech you to abound in it."

Our provision comes from asking God. Our wisdom, strength, understanding, and perseverance comes from asking God! His continued hand on our lives comes from asking! The welfare of our families and the needs of our friends comes from asking! James 4:2 says: "You do not have because you do not ask God."

Hope this encourages you to Pray More!!!


Mary@notbefore7 said...

Wow - great quote Kristin! Thanks.

onemotherslove said...

Thanks for sharing. You might enjoy And She Prays...

Brandi said...

Not so much to pray more per se ... but to ask more. There are tons of things I need His help with, things that are for myself, you know? But I feel so small asking Him for anything ... It's all I can do to be bold enough to thank Him each day for more breath! Maybe I need to be asking, LOL ...