September 29, 2013
4:22 am
7 lbs. 5 oz.
Your Birthday!
You really don't look like my child...but I am glad your mine!
4:22 am
7 lbs. 5 oz.
Your Birthday!
You really don't look like my child...but I am glad your mine!
Our First Family Picture
1 Month old - October
Happy Halloween Little Baby Bear - you are so cuddly!!!!
2 Months Old - November
Daddy says you're the happiest baby ever. You smile all the time. You only cry when it's time to eat. :) We all love you more and more everyday. You have officially completed our family.
3 Months Old - December
Nickname: Jonny Smiles. You will smile whenever we talk to you. You are so adorable and handsome. You are a good baby. You eat, play for an hour or so, and back to sleep. You nursed every 3 hours at first now every 4 hours. You don't like to be held to sleep.... just put me on my belly and let me suck my thumb!!! You look like a little Italian baby boy handsome as can be.
4 Months Old - January
This was a busy month for us, but fun! We took you to Tennessee indoor water park, Wilderness of the Smokies and we also took you to Florida on daddy's work trip.
This was a busy month for us, but fun! We took you to Tennessee indoor water park, Wilderness of the Smokies and we also took you to Florida on daddy's work trip.
5 Months Old - February

Happy Valentines Day - Kissable Boy!
6 Months - March
7 Months - April
Sweet Boy, Sitting, Scooting, Smiling...Love you bunches!!!
8 Months - May
I am learning to crawl...thus I get into everything!!
I love playing with bottles of water
9 Months - June
I got dedicated this month and so did my baby cousin Joy!
10 months - July
I weigh 17 pounds
I can clap my hands, give high fives. My family is trying to teach me to walk, but I just bend my knees to get on the floor and crawl. I love to open and close doors and play peek-a-boo behind them! I am just now starting to have an interest in books, before this all I wanted to do is PLAY with TOYS!
Another trip to Florida....this time we even went to Key West.
We even visited "The Southern Most Point of the United States" and you SLEPT :)
All that driving and still smiling! Johnny Smiles!
11 Months - August
You can sign More, All Done.
You love mommy's phone.
When I say "cheese" you makes the biggest cutest smile ever!!!!
You love to crawl up the stairs.
When we took you to the fair you loved making animal sounds.
I love to play with balls!
12 Months Old - September 29, 2014
Finally you can stand!!
Jon, you have such a sweet loving nature. You just love to crawl around the house, explore, and play with your toys. You only cry when you are tired or hungry....or if Sophia is trying to teach you to walk. She walked at 10 months and she thinks it's about time you walk too! You guys are so cute together. You also love to play with Ginger. My favorite thing right now is when I walk into your room in the give me the biggest smile I have ever seen. It just melts my heart! You are getting better at standing and I even catch you standing by yourself. The night before your first birthday you took a few fast steps to me. I am actually glad you aren't walking yet....I want you to stay my little baby boy forever! I love you CUTIE PIE! Me and Sophia fight over who's cutie pie you are! Happy Birthday